kasahorow Sua,

Fish ::: මාළු

Add "fish" ::: "මාළු" in English ::: Sinhala to your vocabulary.
fish ::: මාළු, nom.1 ::: nom.1
/-fi-s-h/ ::: /-maාළු/

Examples of fish ::: මාළු

Indefinite article: a fish ::: මාළු අනියමාර්ථ විශේෂණය
Definite article: the fish ::: මාළු
Plural: fishs ::: මාළු
Possessives 1 2+
1 my fish ::: මගේ මාළු
2 your fish ::: ඔබේ මාළු
3 her fish ::: ඇගේ මාළු (f.)
his fish ::: ඔහුගේ මාළු (m.)

fish ::: මාළු in other languages

  1. What is fish ::: මාළු? _____________
  2. Qu'est-ce que fish ::: මාළු? _____________
  3. Was ist fish ::: මාළු? _____________
  4. Dɛn nye fish ::: මාළු? _____________

English ::: Sinhala Library (Book ::: පොත Series 6)

  • English ::: English: Animals in English ::: Sinhala

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